Cornhole Tournament Signup

Sign-up form is at the bottom of this page.


Basic Game Play:

  • Teams must have 2 players
  • Boards will be placed 27 feet apart from front to front
  • Team partners will face each other from opposite boards
  • Play starts at either board with all 8 bags
  • Opponents alternate tosses until all bags are played
  • The round is then scored
  • Repeat the play from the other end and the highest scoring team from the previous throw has honors


  • The first team to get 21 or more points wins
  • 1 Point for bags on the board
    • bags can't hit the ground then bounce onto the board
    • bags can not touch the ground
    • bags that hit the ground first must be removed from the board before play is continued
  • 3 Points for bags that go in the hole
    • bags must go completely into the hole
    • if an opponent knocks the competitor's bag into the hole then 3 points is awarded to the competitor
  • The score is the difference in the team totals

Player Stance:

  • Players can use any method to determine sides
    • (ex: coin flip, rock-paper-scissors, toss closet bag to the hole)
  • Players can also use any method to determine who goes first
  • Location of stance is personal preference, but you shall not cross the front of the board